Business Services 2023, Salary & Market Trends in 15 countries

We proudly introduce the Grafton Business Services Report, a game-changer for businesses seeking growth, success, and innovation.

In today's fast-paced business world, data-driven decisions are more critical than ever. That is why we have created the Grafton Business Services Report, a comprehensive resource designed to empower businesses of all sizes with actionable insights and market trends in 15 countries around the world.

Business Services 2023, Salary & Market Trends in 15 countries
Main data for 15 countries.

In our report you can find main data about graduate talent pool, BSS processes, GDP growth or unemployment for countries:

India, Spain, Brazil, China, Latvia, Poland, Estonia, Bulgaria, 

Portugal, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, Lithuania, Czech Republic, United Kingdom

We invite you to explore the Grafton Business Services Report and embark on a data-driven path to success!

To receive the report, please complete the form and download the file

Privacy Policy.


Why are we presenting you with these rules on the processing of personal data?

We have drafted these rules on the processing of personal data to clarify what we do to ensure that your personal data remain safe and confidential. The aim of this document is to provide you with information about the personal data we collect, why we collect it, how we use it, what sources we receive it from, what the purpose of collecting is, who we are permitted to provide the data to, and where you can get additional information about which of your personal data is processed and how it is secured.

Please note that if you do not consent to the processing of your personal data or to the privacy policy, you cannot use our services.

If you have already used our services in the past, you are probably aware that we offer employment agency-related services personally or through our website , as well as through other ways, including partner websites or social media. This information sheet on the processing of personal data applies to any and all personal data which we collect through these platforms or by other means linked to these platforms.

Grafton as the controller of your personal data

Grafton Recruitment  Sp. z o.o. with its seat in Warsaw, at the address: Rondo Ignacego Daszyńskiego 1, 00-843 Warsaw, entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register kept by the District Court for the capital city of Warsaw in Warsaw, under the number KRS 0000744760, NIP 527-28-61-049,, is the controller of your personal data. The fact that we are a controller of personal data means that we respect the principles of personal data processing and treat your personal data solely in accordance with applicable laws, decide on the purpose and means of the processing your personal data, and ensure that your personal data is properly secured. We protect your personal data using state-of-the-art technology and we regularly evaluate and update our processes behind securing your personal data.

Why do we process your personal data?

Whether you are looking for a job, replying to a specific listing, creating a profile on our website, providing us with your CV, or contacting us for job information in other ways (electronically, in writing, on our recruitment form, by telephone, etc.), you are providing us with your personal data, which we process throughout the entire process of job placement and when providing our services. All of our services relate to job searching, the recruitment process, and personal development.

What personal data do we process?

We may process the following personal data or categories of personal data. This does not mean that we process all the personal data below for each candidate. For example, we are unable to fully list the personal data that job applicants submit to us in their CVs and other related documents. Please note that examples may not be exhaustive.

Name, last name

Academic title, education achieved

Permanent address, contact address

Country of citizenship

Marketing agreement.
I consent to the sending of commercial information via the e-mail address and telephone number indicated by me, i.e. the use of telecommunications terminal equipment for direct marketing purposes.